In turn they will quiz you about information they already told you and ask probing questions where you have to select the answers that closest match their personalities. The girls all have their own personalities and you can ask them about facts such as their age, birthday, weight, hobbies and even cup size. Instead, you encounter eight gorgeous girls and must woo them by paying attention to what they tell you, showering them with gifts and taking them on successful dates. HuniePop might look like a visual novel at first glance, but doesn’t really feature the same kind of character progression and focus on story. It is an intriguing combination which drew enough attention during its Kickstarter campaign to soar past its goal. What follows is a game that combines dating sim elements with the puzzle genre while also mixing in a dash of light role playing elements. Even better, she feels so sorry for your character that she decides to lend her expert assistance in an effort to improve your love life. However, it turns out that the girl is actually a love fairy in disguise.

HuniePop opens with your character failing miserably at picking up a girl in a bar.